Sunday, April 10, 2022


Answers to my questions as per your assignment for PYC4818 - Community Psychology
1. What does MCC stands for?
MCC stand for Motorcycle Club, however there is more explanation as norm to bikers as follows:
The MCC is a serious motorcycle or bikers’ lifestyle club. However, with the acronym signifying that such clubs are non-outlaw. The MCC have a constitution or a set of rigid rules with some of the following:
• Minimum of six riding members, each with own bike
• Minimum bike engine capacity of 600cc
• No patch/colours holders under the age of 18
• Patch/colours has to be worn in all official club activities when riding your bike.
2. Please give us a detailed background of the History of MCC, i.e. what actually led to your existence (Historical contexts, ideologies, discourses and controversies, as well as knowledge practices relating to MCC). As we all know, there are similarities in the knowledge ecologies that shape all communities, for example, all South African communities are to some extent affected by the legacy of colonialization and apartheid.
Motorcycle clubs emerged at the early 1900 century in America, starting in New York and spread thought America, Europe and Australia. Africa adopted the same concepts, however there is always a question of the main purpose of the MCC as some has been defined as the outlaws and others as social clubs. History of motorcycle in South Africa point the inequalities or affordability of the black being able to afford to by motorcycles. Racial inequality was normal in most sporting filed in this society because of the economic status that was the determining factor in black civilisation.
3. In short describe your community (MCC), and what it does.
Ride-With MCC is a motorcycle or bikers club that is independent non-profit organization, with the Club objectives being to promote cultural and social responsibility activities including but not limited to the making of donations to charitable causes. The following are full details of Ride-With MCC does in the community:
• Foster a friendly and sociable environment throughout the membership and encourage new members through riding of motorcycles.
• Promote safe riding, camaraderie, a common interest in motorcycle riding and the support of the riding community.
• Encourage all aspects of motorcycling/Biking.
• Improve the lives of our community and assist those in need through charity events and partnering with others to promote charity events.
• Develop a relationship between the community and other clubs.
• Will organize and attend biking events.
4. What is your perspective on this community as a post-colonial and post-apartheid space?
History if motorcycle in South Africa point the inequalities or affordability of the black being able to afford to by motorcycles. Racial inequality was normal in most sporting filed in this society because of the economic status that was the determining factor in black civilisation. But this superiority was based on the fact that the sports were not affordable to the blacks in South Africa as the results of post-colonial and post-apartheid; and also on the belief or stereotypies that the motorcycle sports is dangerous.
Even when I joined the sports full time more than a decade ago, motorcycling was white dominated and mostly white MCCs only, however to date the blacks are starting to dominate on the Motorcycling and there are more black MCC’s thought-out South Africa.
5. Who is usually considered to be included in, and excluded out of this community, and what are the consequences of this. Is there some controversy about who counts as a real member of this community?
The short answer is that the biker or motorcyclist is a person who owns the motorcycle mainly above 600cc and active as attending bike rally’s and other functions. (Please refer to my answer on number 3 on the Constitution of most of MCC defining who is the biker or motorcyclists)
6. What are the institutions and who are the individuals that shape your community (MCC) by creating formal and informal knowledge?
There are few institutions that we have created knowledge about this Motorcycling as was regarded as one of the mode of transport, but people goes to all the long die hearts of bikers as it said once a biker always biker and will die being biker.
7. Which media channels i.e. websites, newspaper articles, academic writings, movies, policies, laws, radio /TV shows etc, can you find that are specifically about this community?
Motorcycle used to appear mainly on movies and other TV shows, however all the modern platforms of media area always having special platforms for this community. Common are websites, Instagram, Facebook pages, for Clubs, lone riders and biking fraternity, and also the are other common one now a days is lots of WhatsApp groups for biking.